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EMOND, Julie

EMOND, Julie[1, 2, 3, 4]

Female 1799 - 1859  (59 years)

Personal Information    |    Sources    |    All    |    PDF

  • Name EMOND, Julie 
    Birth 6 Apr 1799  Trois-Pistoles, Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Christening 21 Apr 1799  Trois-Pistoles, Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Gender Female 
    Death 31 Jan 1859  Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    Person ID I33565  Hemond
    Last Modified 20 Sep 2010 

    Father EMOND, Barthelemy,   b. 9 May 1764, Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 6 Dec 1821, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 57 years) 
    Mother OUELLET, Julie,   b. 3 Nov 1773, Riviere-Ouelle, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt 1803 (Age 29 years) 
    Marriage 6 Oct 1795  Saint-Louis, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [7, 8
    Family ID F5240  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family ROY DIT DESJARDINS, Joseph,   b. 30 Sep 1802, Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage 8 Jan 1827  [3
    Family ID F16067  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Sources 
    1. [S148] rene.nadeau."@videotron.ca, Nadeau, Renee, nadeau.rene.txt.
      Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 12:05:31 -0600
      From: rene nadeau <"rene.nadeau."@videotron.ca>
      Subject: genealogie-emond
      To: lhemond@gsbalum.uchicago.edu

      rene nadeau <"rene.nadeau."@videotron.ca>
      Nous avons récemment reçu l'arbre généalogique de Alain Emond, qui a
      été rédigé par son grand-père Gérard: Je vous envoi un fichier de la
      copie original sous forme .doc (emondoriginal) et un autre avec des
      recherches internet. Toutes informations supplémentaire serait apprécié.

      Voici les sources que j'ai trouvé:
      1. Les grandes familles du bas du fleuve

      2. Le site des mormons

      3.Centre généalogique francophone d'Amérique

      4.Outils de recherches

      Bien à vous,
      Alain Emond, Renée Nadeau

      Enfants de Barth�lemy Emond M: 6-10-1795 Marie Julie Ouellet Trois Pistoles
      [St. Louis, Kamouraska]

      Pascal Fran�ois
      M: 19-09-1826 St-Louis, Kamouraska
      Odile Zite Plourde
      Parents: (Alexandre - Catherine Lagac�)

      M: 27-11-1826 St-Louis, Kamouraska
      Christine Lalande Saint-Louis
      Parents (Pierre - Josephte Mignot)

      M: 8-01-1827
      Joseph Roy (ou Desjardins)
      Parents: (Joseph Roy - Ang�lique Levasseur M: 3-08-1802 ou 1801)

      Th�ocle thS̆cle
      M: 4-11-1828
      Joseph Amable Thibault
      Parents: (Jean Baptiste Thibault - Th�tiste Fournier)

      Zo� n 1816
      M: 9-05-1837 ou (14-06-1837) Kamouraska
      Cyrille Voisine (Roy) d: 18-01-1896
      Parents: (Joseph Marie Roy - Ang�lique Levasseur M: 3-08-1802ou 1801)

    2. [S58] Hemond, Mme Noella R. (Reliability: 0).

    3. [S29] Abbe Jean-Guy Roy - Michel Beaulieu, Repertoire des Mariages - Compte de Kamouraska, 1685-1990 (Tome 1 and Tome 2), (Societe de Genealogie de Quebec, 1993), p.189.

    4. [S545] Voisine,Patrick.

    5. [S268] Voisine, Allen.
      Roy dit Desjardins & Emond
      Sun, 07 May 2000 21:05:18 -0400

      Dear L,
      My great great great grand parents were Cyrille Roy dit Desjardins &
      Zoide "Zoe" Emond. He was born or baptized 26 Dec 1809 at Kamouraska,
      she was born or baptized 14 Feb 1815 at the same place. He died 18 Jan
      1896 Fort Kent, Maine, she died or was buried 29 Dec 1886 at the same
      place. Her older sister Marie-Julie was born or baptized on 06 Apr 1799
      at Trois Pistoles, no death date known and married his older brother
      Joseph who was born or baptized 30 Sep 1802 at Kamouraska, no date of
      death known also. Joseph & Cyrille had a sister Angele who married a
      Joseph Emond son of Louis & Marguerite Landry, she was born or baptized
      29 Jun 1805 at Kamouraska and died or buried at St-Pascal on 06 Jan
      1869, he was born or baptized on 23 May 1800 at Kamouraska, no date of
      death known. If you should ever find any of the missing information I
      would most appreciate having you forward it to me.

      I have enclosed a family group sheet for Cyrillic & Zoide. Child #
      7 is my great great grand father.

      Genealogically yours,

      Allen J. Voisine

    6. [S738] Voisine, Allan J., Children of Francois-Cirille dit Cyrille Roy dit Desjardins & Zoide dite Zoe Emond, voisine_update_1.pdf.

    7. [S34] Cecile Emond, Descendance EMOND, descendance_cecile_emond.pdf. (Reliability: 2).

    8. [S29] Abbe Jean-Guy Roy - Michel Beaulieu, Repertoire des Mariages - Compte de Kamouraska, 1685-1990 (Tome 1 and Tome 2), (Societe de Genealogie de Quebec, 1993), tome 1, p. 156.

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