Date |
Event(s) |
1 | 1713 | - 1713—1715: North America measles epidemic
Killed an unknow number of residents of the Thirteen Colonies and New France, Canada
2 | 1720 | - 1720—1722: Great Plague of Marseille
Bubonic plague - over 100,000 dead in France.
3 | 1852 | - 12 Feb 1852—9 Apr 1870: Napoleon III
Nephew of Napoleon I; elected as President of the French Republic in 1848, made himself Emperor of the French after a coup d'état. Captured by the German army on September 2, 1870; deposed in absentia following the proclamation of the Third Republic.[103]
4 | 1918 | - 1 Mar 1918—1 Apr 1920: Spanish Flu Epidemic
The worldwide Spanish Flu epidemic killed at least 17 million people worldwide.
5 | 2020 | - 1 Mar 2020—1 Jan 2023: COVID-19 Pandemic
Pandemic of SARS-type virus.